
Beauty Dust Store

Monday, June 10, 2013

Suffering from oily skin? Here is the solution !

If you suffer from oil accumulation, that causes clogged pores and blackheads and  buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin ,then you have to do the Strawberry Mask. It's a very effective treatment for oily complexions and also helps in eliminating acne.
the easiest recipe is by crushing small pieces of strawberries to make a smooth paste then put it on your face and neck for 15 minutes and wash it with cold water. Now enjoy your clear skin!
You can also add to this strawberry  paste a tablespoon of honey. Honey is effective to moisturize the skin and to open the pores as well, hence this mixture will be fantastic. All that you have to do is to put it on your face and neck for 10 minutes then rinse it with cold water.
Or you can add to this strawberry paste a tablespoon of milk and make a facial massage for 10 minutes then rinse it with cold water; actually this recipe is a perfect treatment for aging and helps to thighten the skin.
As you see these are  very simple recipes,yet very helpful !

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